Суббота, 18 мая, 2024г.
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пример: покупка автомобиля в Запорожье


Кот Пуаро пришёл поесть рыбки. Сыч Лучик курлы-курлы, а я пытаюсь размножить ёлочку (не сову!)

Кот Пуаро пришёл поесть рыбки. Сыч Лучик курлы-курлы, а я пытаюсь размножить ёлочку (не сову!)У вашего броузера проблема в совместимости с HTML5

I salted the trout fish, put the remains of it to the jackdaws, and Poirot the cat came instead of the birds and ate the fish. Well, well, let it be.
The Owl Luchik has become very talkative, it is also spring.

They write that ordinary European spruce trees take root well with cuttings. So I decided to try it, having found a fallen spruce in the forest with an interesting variation - it is hanging, with long secondary branches hanging down.
I did not shoot the cutting process, there is no point. If you manage to root the twigs, then I’ll tell you how it turned out.
#owlhouse #littleowl #mygarden

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