Суббота, 18 мая, 2024г.
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пример: покупка автомобиля в Запорожье


Сова Ёль очень УГУ. Неясыть Кофи скромный недотрогливый. Домовые сычи опять нарушили стабильность!

Сова Ёль очень УГУ. Неясыть Кофи скромный недотрогливый. Домовые сычи опять нарушили стабильность!У вашего броузера проблема в совместимости с HTML5

Spring is still not coming. In general, this is normal for the middle of March. But, considering that snow fell in November, it is already very difficult to endure and wait for solid ground under your feet.
And it’s good for owls, they don’t determine spring by the amount of snow, but by the length of daylight.
Therefore, they have everything on schedule.
Poirot the cat also came, but I didn’t take a video of him, he was sitting under the cabin. As soon as the frosts ended, he went wild again and no longer enters the cabin.
#owlhouse #cuteowl #littleowl

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