Суббота, 04 мая, 2024г.
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Украина готова Поставлять ВОДОРОД в ЕС по Газопроводам

Украина готова Поставлять ВОДОРОД в ЕС по ГазопроводамУ вашего броузера проблема в совместимости с HTML5

Ukraine intends to replace the transit of Russian gas to Europe with hydrogen. Kiev is preparing to become a leader in supplying hydrogen to the EU. Ukraine is considering using its gas transport system to export hydrogen to Europe. “The European Hydrogen Strategy envisages imports of more than 10 million tonnes per year by 2030. We can easily produce 3.5 to 5 million tonnes. The most important question here is how gas pipelines can be used for hydrogen exports in the future,” Ukrainian Energy Minister German Galushchenko said.

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